How To Determine When Your Tires Need To Be Changed

Our tires are a pretty vital part of our driving journeys. That shouldn't be surprising considering they are what move us from A to B. When you think about it, tires are pretty awesome creations, and they're largely to thank for our road safety.

Despite that, many vehicle owners neglect the modest tire. Even those who check their engines regularly can go months without a thought here. That's because, despite their importance, tires are a deceptively simple part of our vehicles. And, we lure ourselves into believing that they can take care of themselves.

In reality, though, that couldn't be further from the truth. If our tires are to stand any chance at offering the protection we’d like, it’s vital that we keep an eye on them. That means checking them at least once a month, and turning to a company like Capital Customs for quality Las Vegas tires if we notice a problem. The question is, how exactly do you determine when you need new tires in your life?

Regular deflation

This may seem obvious, but an astounding amount of drivers ignore tires which deflate regularly. Many pump their tires before every journey without thinking twice about what it means. Does this mean that you should rush out for replacement tires at the first sign of a little lost air pressure? Of course not. Even new tires lose air pressure on occasion. But, if flats and deflation are a regular part of your driving journey, a new tire should be next up on your to-buy list. That's because this is a sure sign that a tire has run its course. Regular flats could even be a warning sign that your wheels aren't maintaining the seal around your inner tire. Either way; it's time to replace.

Low tread

Low tread is, arguably, the most common sign that new tires are necessary. Those funky patterns which are carved into your tires aren't there to look good. They actually provide the tread which allows you traction on the road. Low tread occurs when those grooves are worn away, and it can be life threatening as it means lost traction. Luckily, tire tread is simple enough to check just from looking. Many drivers even use pennies to test the depth of your tire grooves. If you think you're falling foul to low tread, then, you shouldn't hesitate to invest in replacement tires.

Tire bumps or bulges

Bumps and bulges aren't unusual in old tires. Often, drivers continue to tackle thousands of miles with them. But, if you spot noticeable bumps, it's a sure sign that an inner belt has somehow warped or broken. While this is probably the lowest risk problem on this list, it's just another reminder that your tires might need sprucing up before you embark on your next long trip.

It’s fair to say that the time has come to stop neglecting your tires. If you want to do best by your vehicle, you need to start at the bottom. Need more information or are you ready to swap your old tires with new ones? If so, give our custom car shop in Las Vegas a call to get started!


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